Every single morning, we spend time sharing ideas that we wish to implement either for ourselves or for the people that we work with. We recently came across three important questions in a book by Joe Polish:
- Where are you?
- Where do you want to go?
- How are you going to get there?
Most people have already decided how they are going to get there, but unfortunately their plan is not working for them. That’s why I wanted to share our white boxes with you because this is typically what people are doing. We try to think outside of the box(es). We try to think outside of the averages. This is the what average people do:
- They are looking for generic answers. Unfortunately, generic answers won’t necessarily work for your specific situation.
- They have a scarcity mindset. Scarcity means that you believe that the pie is only so big. If somebody else gets a big piece of that pie, you end up getting a smaller piece. (We don’t have a scarcity mindset; we say just go bake a bigger pie!)
- If you’re trying to accomplish what you want in life by doing things in a typical fashion, you are going to receive typical results.
This is one of the reasons that I use the life insurance asset; this is why I wrote my book, Investment’s Don’t Hug. You need to think outside of the generic answers that everyone else is looking for. You need more than a scarcity mindset; you need to have a mindset of abundance. If the typical solutions have not worked for you, it’s time to think differently.
Let’s go back to those three original questions from author Joe Polish: where are you today, where do you want to go, and how are you going to get there? If you are unclear about the answers to any of those questions, then read my book, Investment’s Don’t Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset, OR you can schedule a time to meet with me and my team. We can work virtually all over the country or right here in our office.