
Are you Wickedly Passionate?

Do you have a passion for "Wicked"? My wife and I recently spent a week in London this past June. Much like New York City, London offers an abundance of musicals, productions, shows, and plays—you could see a different performance every night for six months straight without repeating a single show. It's a fantastic opportunity to revisit some beloved productions.

My introduction to theater dates back to my elementary school days when I watched a high school play. I vividly remember sitting in the audience, completely engrossed in the story unfolding on stage. The actors seemed like the real characters they portrayed, and I felt as if the events were genuinely happening before my eyes. That's the essence of a truly great show—it should make you forget you're in an auditorium, drawing you in with its magic and passion until it feels real.

When I first saw "Wicked" in Chicago, I experienced that same captivating sensation. I was utterly convinced I was witnessing the good witch and the bad witch in action. The actors' passion was palpable. However, my recent experience in London was disappointing. Out of the five shows we saw, most felt lackluster and mechanical. The vibrant theater scene seemed to have transformed into a ticket-selling machine, rushing through productions without genuine enthusiasm.

Although I love the concept and story of "Wicked," the London performance lacked the magic and passion that makes theater special. The actors delivered their lines, sang their songs, and hit their marks flawlessly, but the spark was missing. This experience underscored the importance of being passionate about one's work.

Every day, I wake up at 5:00 a.m., journal, have breakfast, drink my coffee, and go for a three-mile walk while listening to a podcast. Then, I read before diving into my workday. This routine helps me stay passionate and engaged. I fear the day I lose that passion because it's essential to my job.

This realization reminded me of a particularly mundane aspect of the financial services industry: life insurance. It may seem boring, but life insurance offers incredible value, from providing emergency funds to ensuring your estate's future. It’s about living an intentional life, not just preparing for death.

In our industry, some firms prioritize selling a certain number of policies over truly connecting with clients. One well-known company requires its advisors to sell 100 policies annually. But are they genuinely interacting with people and making a difference in their lives, or just meeting a quota?

I wrote my book, Investments Don’t Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset, to highlight the importance of passion. When someone lacks passion or, worse, is disingenuous, it’s evident. This was my experience at the "Wicked" performance from seats D13 and 14 in a beautiful London theater.

If you want to understand my passion, read my book or, even better, listen to the audio version. Many readers have told me they were so moved by the real-life stories that they had to pull over while driving. Through my book, you'll see my commitment to this work.

If you're seeking a firm that truly cares and brings genuine passion to their work, contact us. We don't just go through the motions—we're dedicated to ensuring you receive the full benefits of the life insurance asset. For more information, visit our website. We’ll guide you through the questions you should ask yourself, us, and your current advisor. This is about your life’s production, and today, you have the choice to stay on your current path or choose a better one for you and your family.

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