
Do you have a backup battery for your financial life?

Do you have a backup battery? Just a few hours ago, in my office, there was a flicker of lights and the lights went down. There was a flicker on our desktop computers, and the computers went down. A few moments later we saw three, speeding patrol cars going down Main Street. Obviously, that had to do something with the electricity, probably a pole, probably wires, probably an accident that caused everything to go down. But it didn’t go down, because our server was left intact because we have a backup battery that holds the information and keeps everything running as it should.


Here’s the question for the day. Do you have a backup battery plan for your financial life? What happens if you become disabled? Do you have a backup battery plan that keeps that income running into your life? Do you have a way for your 401K contributions to continue on if you become disabled? Do you have a way that the 401K match continues on in the event that you become disabled? Do you have a way to make certain that you’ve got a place for your safe emergency money, of which you should have six months to a year of income available in case that there is an emergency? Do you have a place where you are stuffing “opportunities” money so when an opportunity comes your way you have the cash to pursue it? Many times we have heard over the years, “If I would have only had cash, I could move ahead with some of these opportunities."


Let’s look at opportunities, let’s look at making sure that you have a backup battery to your financial life. To find out more about these ideas, explore my website, or if you are ready to go, you want to make a difference today, but you need a little bit more information, purchase my book, Investments Don’t Hug: Embracing the Life Insurance Asset. Simply go to Amazon or go to Audible and listen to it. When you’re ready, call our office for implementation. Do you have a battery, a battery for your financial life? Begin today.  

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